Kenneth Anthony Giuffre MD
Dopadoc aka. MDMDLLC,
A Nonprofit Corporation Devoted to Education of the Lay Public in Issues of Medical, Neurologic and Brain-optimization.
Offices at:
7150 Buhr St.
Detroit, MI 48212

Sunday, 7 October 2012

inogolo - Pronunciation of Giuffre : How to pronounce Giuffre

Audio clip describing pronunciation of "Giuffre" from Ingolo dot com is slightly different from the way I pronounce it,  accented on the last syllable as if spelt "Jufray."
I'm not the only Giuffre in the US
Also on Quora...

URGENT Message from the real Kenneth Anthony Giuffre

My name is Kenneth Anthony Giuffre MD aka. Ken Giuffre/Ken Guiffre
I am being stalked by an individual who creates false blogs in my name, and who persists in finding hackers-for-hire and private investigators to locate me and obtain personal information. If this person comes to you, please report the incident to detective Sgt. Kellogg USA Wyckoff NJ police (1 201 891 2121) ASAP.
Beware especially of parties from the Philippines, Pakistan, UK and France, and/or who give domestic location and/or IP addresses as Southern California, Connecticut or Massachusetts.

Send email to dopadocgiuffre at gmail dot com or regular mail to:
Ken Giuffre MD
7150 Buhr St.
Detroit MI 48212
'Dopadoc" headquarters at 7150 Buhr  St., Detroit Michigan 48212

Giuffre, Kenneth, M.D. Books, Author Bio, Book Reviews & More: The Care and Feeding of Your Brain

Personal Brilliance: Mastering The Everyday Habits That Create

Medical School: What is the single most important or useful journal for medical students to read?

On Quora:
There's a single weekly article that I've read now almost religiously for the last 30 years and I can say that because of it, even though I no longer actively practice clinical medicine:
1. I am up on the current lingo
2. I am up on current modes of diagnosis and at least aware of many current treatment modalities for many illnesses. Impress your, my friends still in practice always comment on my level of current knowledge despite not having been an active clinician since 2001.
3. Unlike dry academic articles for me, a writer, it's a fun medical mystery that I look forward to each week:
NEJM: Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital,their weekly CPC (clinical pathological conference)...and it's for free online without a subscription.
The New England Journal of Medicine

Thriving Brain :: Fun Facts

Twitter / Dopadoc: Kenneth Giuffre MD: Thriving

Ken Giuffre MD on Veengle